Medizinische Fortbildungen
Unsere Live-Veranstaltungen bringen Sie in die Zukunft. Diese Medizinische Fortbildungen und Veranstaltungen werden von den besten Medizin- und Gesundheitsexperten geleitet.
Highlights Gynecological Oncology 2024 and News from SABCS
The St. Gallen Breast Center, the Women's Clinic and the Gynecological Cancer Center are pleased to invite you to the advanced training "Highlights Gynecological Oncology 2024 and News from the SABCS". As is tradition, we provide annual information on the highlights of gynecological oncology. You will also receive an overview of the developments in the biology, diagnostics and therapy of breast cancer presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
Speaker & Moderator
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Am Standort St.Gallen wird ein breites Spektrum an zentrumsmedizinischen Leistungen auf universitärem Niveau angeboten. Von den rund 6'000 Mitarbeitenden am Kantonsspital St.Gallen arbeiten rund 5'500 am Standort St.Gallen.
Modern Management of Chronic Inflammatory Dermatoses
Chronic inflammatory dermatoses such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis pose complex challenges for those affected and those treating them. Modern management relies on individualized therapy concepts that take into account not only drug approaches but also psychosocial aspects and lifestyle interventions. The aim is to sustainably improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the burden of disease.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Advanced training in rheumatology USZ | Rheumatism workshop January 2025
Current topics in diagnostics and therapy are presented by specialists from various fields and discussed in plenary.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Highlights in Clinical Neuroscience
Kurzvorträge: 10 Min., 5 Min. Fragen. Aktuelles aus dem Klinischen Neurozentrum
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Title follows
Foot and ankle orthopedics deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries and misalignments in this complex musculoskeletal system. Modern approaches combine precise imaging, innovative treatment methods and individually adapted orthoses to optimize the functionality, mobility and quality of life of the patients.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Was ist bei der koronaren Herzkrankheit am wichtigsten? Stenose, Plaques oder Fluss? (Prof. Dr. Michelle Williams)
Es werden hochaktuelle Vorträge über verschiedene kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen gehalten, einschliesslich der Themen ischämische und strukturelle Herzerkrankungen. Wir heissen alle Interessierten herzlich willkommen, an dieser spannenden Online-Reihe teilzunehmen!
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Interdisziplinäre Fallbesprechung Angiologie
Die Klinik für Angiologie gliedert sich in eine Reihe von fachspezifischen Schwerpunkten, die jeweils von spezialisierten Ärztinnen und Ärzten geleitet und betreut werden.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Sleep and neurology
Discover the latest findings on sleep and neurology! At the event at the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen, experts will share current studies and innovative approaches that are revolutionizing the understanding and treatment of sleep disorders. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues and gain valuable ideas for practice. An exciting exchange for everyone who is interested in the connection between sleep medicine and neurology!
Speaker & Moderator
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Am Standort St.Gallen wird ein breites Spektrum an zentrumsmedizinischen Leistungen auf universitärem Niveau angeboten. Von den rund 6'000 Mitarbeitenden am Kantonsspital St.Gallen arbeiten rund 5'500 am Standort St.Gallen.
6th Zurich Brain Metastasis Symposium
Advances in systemic targeted therapy and immunotherapy have dramatically improved outcome at least in some types of solid cancer. However, metastasis to the central nervous system remains a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, notably in long-term survivors with cancers.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Neurology Symposium for Practicing Physicians (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Maurice E. Müller Auditorium, Inselspital and participation is free. Register by January 15, 2025 using the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
28. Zürcher Schwindel-Symposium
Vom Stehen und Drehen: Schwindel verstehen.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Die Transkriptomanalyse ermöglicht die Analyse des Genexpressionsprofils von Tumoren und die Detektion sowohl bekannter als auch neuartiger Fusionstranskripte. In dieser Fortbildung soll die Technik, Beurteilung der Daten sowie die klinische Relevanz dieser Analyse erörtert werden.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Differential Diagnosis of Polymyalgic Syndrome
The differential diagnosis of polymyalgic syndrome is a key challenge in clinical practice, as the non-specific symptoms such as muscle and joint pain can overlap with numerous other diseases. A structured diagnostic approach that takes inflammatory, degenerative and internal causes into account is crucial to avoid misdiagnosis and to initiate targeted therapy.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Symposium Neuro-Onkologie: Phakomatosen
Programm folgt
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Imaging in Epilepsy
Immerse yourself in the latest developments in the field of imaging in epilepsy! Experts at the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen will present current research results and innovative imaging techniques that improve the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Take the opportunity to exchange professional information and learn how modern technologies are revolutionizing neurological practice. A must for anyone interested in advanced approaches to epilepsy diagnostics!
Speaker & Moderator
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Am Standort St.Gallen wird ein breites Spektrum an zentrumsmedizinischen Leistungen auf universitärem Niveau angeboten. Von den rund 6'000 Mitarbeitenden am Kantonsspital St.Gallen arbeiten rund 5'500 am Standort St.Gallen.
Titel folgt
Rheumatology deals with inflammatory, degenerative and autoimmune diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. The aim is to relieve pain, control inflammation and sustainably improve the quality of life of patients through modern therapies and interdisciplinary approaches.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Luzern-Zürich Symposium
Programm folgt
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Grand Round zum Thema Thoraxonkologie/Titel folgt (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolf)
Die medizinische Onkologie und Hämatologie organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit dem CCCZ monatliche Vortragsreihen, in denen international bekannte Sprecherinnen und Sprecher zu Themen der Onkologie und Hämatologie informieren. Die Vortragsreihe dient der Fort- und Weiterbildung interner und externer Kolleginnen und Kollegen und soll Impulse für Innovation bieten.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Title follows
The combination of the specialist areas of rheumatology, general internal medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation (FMH) enables a holistic approach in the treatment of patients. This interdisciplinary focus combines expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases with internal medicine care and rehabilitative measures in order to comprehensively promote functionality, mobility and quality of life.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Machine learning for prediction of functional outcome after stroke
Find out how machine learning is revolutionizing the prediction of functional outcomes after a stroke! At the event at the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen, experts will present state-of-the-art algorithms and their application in stroke research. Discover how data-based approaches can improve prognosis and treatment decisions, and exchange ideas with colleagues about the future of neurological care. An exciting insight into the possibilities of artificial intelligence in medicine!
Speaker & Moderator
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Am Standort St.Gallen wird ein breites Spektrum an zentrumsmedizinischen Leistungen auf universitärem Niveau angeboten. Von den rund 6'000 Mitarbeitenden am Kantonsspital St.Gallen arbeiten rund 5'500 am Standort St.Gallen.
Title follows
Rheumatology deals with inflammatory, degenerative and autoimmune diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. The aim is to relieve pain, control inflammation and sustainably improve the quality of life of patients through modern therapies and interdisciplinary approaches.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
1. Hepatologie Symposium, 20. Feb. 2025 - Cirrhosis & Portal Hypertension
The focus of this symposium is on current findings on cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Experts will present the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods, supplemented by practical case studies. Take the opportunity to exchange professional information and deepen your knowledge.
Speaker & Moderator
Insel Gruppe
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
"What language does the kidney speak?"
"What language does the kidney speak?" is a metaphorical look at the communication and signaling of this central organ. The kidney not only regulates fluid and electrolyte balance, but also communicates with other body systems via hormones such as renin and erythropoietin. This "language" of the kidney is essential for the balance of the body and reflects the complex interrelationships of the organ functions.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Symposium Wirbelsäulenzentrum USZ | Radikulopathie bei degenerativer und posttraumatischer Stenose – ein anspruchsvolles Alltagsproblem
Wir freuen uns, Sie zum jährlichen Symposium des Wirbelsäulenzentrums des Universitätsspitals Zürich einzuladen. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsspital Zürich
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is open to all patients every day and provides fundamental medical care and cutting-edge medicine in a central location in Zurich. We use our superior academic knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research.
Symposium Multiple Sclerosis/Neuroimmunology (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Auditorium Ettore Rossi, Inselspital and participation is free. Register by February 19, 2025 using the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Cardiac Amyloidosis: Much More Common Than Thought
Cardiac amyloidosis is an often underestimated heart disease caused by deposits of misfolded proteins in the heart tissue. For a long time it was considered rare, but modern diagnostics show that it is more common than previously thought. Early detection is crucial in order to initiate targeted therapies and maintain heart function.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Title follows
Head, spine and neuromedicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, especially brain and spine functions and peripheral nerves. These include disorders such as migraines, spinal cord problems and neurodegenerative diseases. The aim is to maintain neurological health and improve the quality of life of patients.
Speaker & Moderator
Bethesda Hospital
Bethesda Hospital in Basel is characterized by the two core competencies of musculoskeletal and gynecological medicine. At the renowned private hospital, specialists work together across disciplines and according to a holistic approach.
Movement Disorders Symposium and Farewell Symposium Prof. Paul Krack (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Auditorium Ettore Rossi, Inselspital and participation is free. Register by April 30, 2025 using the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
9. Bern Parkinson Therapy Network (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Auditorium Ettore Rossi, Inselspital and participation is free. Register by April 30, 2025 using the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Symposium Botulinum Toxin and Dystonia (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Felix Frey Auditorium, sitem-insel and participation is free. Register by May 28, 2025 via the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Symposium Pediatric and Adult Neuromuscular Diseases (on-site & live stream)
This event will take place in a hybrid format.
- Please register for participation on site in the Maurice E. Müller Auditorium, Inselsspital by June 18, 2025 using the registration form.
- The live stream starts automatically on this page. Registration is not required.
Participation is free in both cases.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Symposium Neuro-Emergencies (on-site & live stream)
This event will take place in a hybrid format.
- Please register for participation on site in the Auditorium Ettore Rossi, Inselsspital by August 13, 2025 using the registration form.
- The live stream starts automatically on this page. Registration is not required.
Participation is free in both cases.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Stroke Symposium (on-site only & no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON SITE in the Maurice E. Müller Auditorium, Inselspital and participation is free. Register by September 10, 2025 using the registration form
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Symposium Brain Health and Dementia (on-site & live stream)
This event will take place in a hybrid format.
- Please register for participation on site in the Langhans lecture hall, Inselsspital by October 8, 2025 using the registration form.
- The live stream starts automatically on this page. Registration is not required.
Participation is free in both cases.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
29th Bernese Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy Days (only on site, no live stream)
This event will take place ONLY ON-SITE in the Langhans lecture hall of the Inselspital Bern. Further information, including the program and registration form, can be found on the website.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Symposium Vascular Diseases – Brain and Heart (on-site & live stream)
This event will take place in a hybrid format.
- Please register for participation on site in the Langhans lecture hall, Inselsspital by November 5, 2025 using the registration form.
- The live stream starts automatically on this page. Registration is not required.
Participation is free in both cases.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Neurorehabilitation symposium (on site & live stream)
This event will take place in a hybrid format.
- Please register for participation on site in the Langhans lecture hall, Inselsspital by November 19, 2025 using the registration form.
- The live stream starts automatically on this page. Registration is not required.
Participation is free in both cases.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.
Grand Round Critical Events, Mortality & Morbidity 2025 (on-site only, no live stream)
This event will take place ON-SITE ONLY at the Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgery Center (INO), Floor B, Room 118 (Neurology Classroom) and is free to attend. Register by December 10, 2025.
Speaker & Moderator
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland. It is associated with the University of Bern. The hospital is operated by a charitable foundation established in 1354 through the will of Anna Seiler, a wealthy Bernese.