About us

HCPs and doclift: About us

Doctor with 3D Glasses

doclift was created with a clear purpose to disrupt the traditional healthcare education landscape and facilitate global collaboration among healthcare professionals (HCPs), fueled by the pursuit of excellence, innovation, sustainability, and positive impact on patient care.

How it all started
Alles begann mit expertshare.live, einer von Schweizer Ingenieuren und Softwareentwicklern konzipierten Plattform, die den Wissensaustausch unter Experten wie medizinischem Fachpersonal ermöglicht – live und virtuell. In den letzten drei Jahren hat expertshare erfolgreich Partnerschaften mit Branchenführern aus Bereichen wie Bankwesen, Immobilien, Konsumgüter, Pharma und Verteidigung aufgebaut. Besonders durch die COVID-19-Pandemie gewann die Plattform an Bedeutung. Krankenhäuser nutzen expertshare beispielsweise für eCMEs oder bieten sogar Masterprogramme, wie Schlaganfallmanagement, darüber an. Eine Analyse zeigte, dass medizinisches Fachpersonal das auf expertshare erworbene Wissen direkt in der Praxis anwenden konnte. Dies inspirierte uns, mit doclift eine Community-Funktion zu entwickeln, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Gesundheitsbranche zugeschnitten ist.

The Leading Community for Healthcare Professionals

Join our growing community of healthcare professionals and network with colleagues who share your passion for providing the best possible patient care. With access to a wealth of resources and the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded healthcare professionals, you can keep up to date with the latest advances in healthcare. Don't miss this opportunity to join a dynamic community for healthcare professionals dedicated to improving patient care. Enrol today and take your career to the next level!

Doctors Hands

Our Vision

doclift was created out of a vision to revolutionize healthcare education and foster global collaboration among healthcare professionals (HCPs).

We are a purpose-driven platform that brings together healthcare professionals (HCPs) through a unique blend of e-learning, community engagement, and virtual/hybrid events. Founded in 2023 in the Emirates and powered by Swiss award-winning engineers, doclift combines Swiss engineering precision with the forward-thinking vision of the Emirates to transform healthcare education worldwide.

Our Mission

At the heart of doclift's mission is a deep commitment to making a positive impact on patient care and the global healthcare landscape.

We believe that by empowering HCPs with advanced education and fostering collaboration among them, we can collectively improve patient outcomes and contribute to a better world. Our purpose-driven approach is rooted in excellence, sustainability, and a vision for advancing healthcare knowledge for a better tomorrow, starting today.

Mission Doctor